Friday, August 31, 2012

Stitchery old and new

This has, actually, been ready for a while:
Tämä ihana turhake valmistui jo aikoja sitten:


Ooh, and this one - decades in the making, blast from the 80s, and a collaborative effort:
Tämä taas on ollut valehtelematta vuosikymmeniä työn alla, mutta tehtyä tuli:

But there is also other stuff ongoing (slowly, slowly):
Tässä vähän kuparia ja pellavaa, ehkä siitäkin jotain joskus syntyy: linen-on-linen action

And another dormant piece of stitching:
Muttei pistelyäkään ole ihan unohdettu:


Kat said...

I just love that scissors swing tag. So much, in fact, that I suspect my own scissors might need something similar :)

Unknown said...

Hi. I really really liked you knitting and stitching. I have just moved to Brussels and I have been wanting to learn knitting. I wonder if you are in Brussels and if you can give me knitting classes; I would be very grateful. Please let me know. If you wish you can mail me at